We met them at the gates. Myself, and my team. We flew as one. Our armor held silver gleaming sun. Our cries fueled our weapons. It was exhilarating when they fell. A hot flash covered my body. The will that moved me took hold of my body. All was effortless.
I could see how they moved before they did it. With each decision, it all shifted. The patterns and waves displayed before them.
There wasn't much I could miss.
This one. Ugly, brown, dried skin, one eyed, thick hide. The stink of it. Be glad you can't ever know. I took him myself. The others stood by at first ready to fly to my aid, but then relaxed into cheer. Three swings and it was done. Another attempt to lay waste to what we had built fell at our doorsteps.
Though the Scourge were continually advancing, organizing, I could feel myself getting stronger. With each battle my wings beat more sure, more in tune with my heart.
To fly with this strength. To fully outstretch my wings and feel the Airy Mother. I breathed fully. Without holding back.
This memory. It pains me now.
Kneeling down. Spears crossed behind my back. Arms and wings bound. My face smelled of iron. I could feel the bone rattle in my nose. All I could see was their dirtied black pointed boots. They walked Him. Bare feet. Directly in front of me.
His arms were bound, but they didn't beat Him to the ground. He knelt on his knees. Dark hair covering his eyes as he looked down.
The guard to my left grabbed my head and made me look at him. I gasped in pain through resistance. I couldn't let them know, they really did it. They beat me.
I looked at him. First only at his knees. He was different. I couldn't explain it. Like he wasn't from our world.
Odin appeared to my right. He whispered in my ear.
"Sorry dear, I know you'll see."
I wanted to deepen the scar in his right eye.
He took the tip of his finger and tilted my chin.
"Look to him, my prized Valkyrie, what do you see."
My wings began to ache and tremble as he returned my gaze.
The guards next to him told him to look up.
I looked in his eyes and time slowed.
The first images weren't pleasant. They flashed so fast. To others it felt like mere moments while I searched through eternity.
In point three seconds I Knew he would be the cause of me losing my wings. It would all be sparked from our meeting. My worst moments. Unfolding to my best, and another reaching feeling still not known. Something I want to explore. Something different from this. The blood. The fighting. I, I wanted something better than this.
My heart felt it before it happened. I snapped back to the present moment.
I wanted to instantly react. Break free and destroy him. But I waited. I was patient. I allowed the feeling to move through me. And it did.
The visions continued. They moved. From this time, to another, and another and another again. Our stories became so woven it created new forms. I was blinded.
I knew what I had to move through when I returned to the present moment. I asked with my eyes.
Please let this be worth it.
Odin spoke.
"You know. Good. Well. Lets get on with it.
His life, or your power. Now choose."
The silence between Odin and I held his goodbye.
"I choose life." A single tear trailed down my right eye.
The guard to my right held me, the one to the left swung his blade. I felt naked. Hollow.
My cries, they echoed.
They held his face. Made him watch so he would see. He struggled against them to protect me. My blood trailed over the soft ceramic tiles as my body whimpered.
They let him go and walked away from us as the buildings in front of us fell.
He reached to touch me but fear made his hands shake.
My tears flowed like rivers. Face deep in small pieces of dirt. I couldn't move. All I could do is cry.
But he did it, he became brave first only reaching for my arm,
"Hey, hey hey. I, I -- ah... I."
His voice was sure in the root of his intention to create connection, but he waived in not knowing what to do.
The Scrounge around us were happily eating.
Everything around me echoed pain. Inside, outside. I lost sight of everything. Darkness invaded my mind. I closed my eyes and recalled the times I saw in the future. The reason why I held on. Why I chose him, I choose this death.
I allowed pain to consume me. I let my sacrifice be known to the fates. Our ties would branch out and change.
"I need to get you out of here." He found his footing, cradled me, wrapping my arm around his neck, rooted down into his feet and he carried me.
The once strong and proud Valkyrie, carried by the abomination that could never be.